Educational Degrees Can Be Complicated, But Your Software Doesn't Need To Be.

VOX SCHOLARIUM is modern, DIY Wireless software for educational institutes and schools. It helps schools of any size to manage students, teachers, courses, and academic programs with an interactive portal built on our platform, all out of the box.

  • Student Applicants
  • Student Information
  • Document Storage
  • Instructors
  • Program Enrollment
  • Programs & Courses
  • Student Attendance

DIY Wireless For Educational Institutes

With recent government initiatives to provide education in every nook and corner of the world, the future of education looks promising. Meanwhile, with growing competition between educational institutes and businesses, everyone is looking to next-gen enterprise technology solutions.

Student Applicants

Manage applications for all your programs in one place. Once a student applies to your program, you can create a Student Applicant record. If you approve the student, you can add them to your student master and start emailing them from with VOX SCHOLARIUM.